Monday, April 28, 2008
{ 10:21 PM }

we watch this sh0w 0n saturday..its a berii funny/explicit/r0mantic sh0w..hahah..RA 0ne..00ps ii am s0 used t0 saying RA le..s0 am n0t used t0 saying R21 instead..s0 the st0ry g0es s0meting lyk this..
Law student Eun-sik and beautiful swimming champion Kyung-ah (Princess Hours' Song Ji-hyo) are a campus couple. But Eun-sik has not been able to get past kissing. Still in pursuit of "getting laid", he lets out his sexual frustration by overly working out at the gym and is now used to taking care of it himself. On the other had, Sung-kook, a long-time college student and the leader of the school's K-1 fighting club, shares quarters with the members of the girls' swimming club. He freely indulges in his sexual desires with the beautiful girls of the swimming club. After learning about Eun-sik's troubles, Sung-kook sets out to help Eun-sik get what he wants the most. But even with Sung-kook's guidance, Eun-sik experiences one disaster after another, and even gets mistaken for a pervert. As Eun-sik is preoccupied with finding ways to sleep with Kyung-ah, a new guy enters the picture, Kyung-ah's childhood sweetheart. Not only could Eun-sik not find ways to sleep with Kyung-ah, he might end up losing her altogether.
but in the end it bec0mes happily ever after..m0st parts 0f the sh0w are funny especially the disasters..nice..but its 0nly nice f0r the just f0r laughs ting lar..
Labels: movies
Friday, April 25, 2008
{ 10:13 PM }
tis is taken fr0m my email..a few years ag0..super 0ld le..hehs..try it 0ut..
If you could have the third eye on your body, where would you put it on?
1) your head
2) your heart
3) your back
4) your hand
1) You have no respect to your lover, instead, you often exploit him/her. As far as love is concerned, you are too QUICK. You easily fall in love with someone and leave him/her right away when you get bored.
2) Since you are scared of being cheated by the others or not wanting to be disappointed again, you, therefore seem to be contented with your unrequited love.
3) It takes you a long time and big effort before falling in love with someone. But, once you are in love, you will love him/her with all your heart,sincerely and forever
4) It is hard for you to get deeply involved with someone.Most of your relationships are just more than friends but less than lovers.
Your selection of the chair can tell you the type of person you are.
1) Cloth covered
2) Leather covered
3) Wood
4) Cushioned
5) One with a built-in massager
1)You want your partner (girlfriend/boyfriend) to be together with you always, no matter when or where.
2)You want your partner (girlfriend/boyfriend) to be more open with you about himself/herself.
3)You want your partner (girlfriend/boyfriend) to take more care of his/her dress and manner.
4)You want your partner (girlfriend/boyfriend) to be a little bit more relaxed, calm and composed.
5) One with built-in massager. You want your partner (girlfriend/boyfriend) to do more for you.
The message behind the question:
A chair is for sitting on. If you choose to sit on certain chair,you have no suspicions or distrust towards it. This is the same psychology present in our relationship with the people we like. In other words,the qualities you look for in a chair are similar to the qualities you look for in a partner.
** 1 9 5 0 **
What is your first thought when you saw the above number?
1) Year
2) Phone number
3) Money
4) Combination code in a locker room
1) You think he/she is very smart love his/her brain.
2) You love his/her personality....Everything he/she does is beautiful.
3) Let's face love his/her money.
4) You love his/her like a good looking person .
You decided to go for a cave tour. What kind of caves do you want to visit?
1) Cave with a narrow entrance but a wide exit.
2) Cave with a same space of entrance and exit.
3) Cave with a wide entrance but a narrow exit.
The philosophy behind this test indicates how you spend your money......
1) You easily spend your money much more than what you earn.
2) You keep balance between the money you can earn and the money you spend.
3) Stingy you! Though you have earned a lot of money but you hardly spend it off.
There is a cake with plenty of room to put many more candles on it. How many more candles do you want to put on the cake?
1) One
2) Two
3) Three or four
4) More than five
1) Wow! You seem wanting to get married as soon as possible.You may get married at the age of 20 or right after you have finished your education.
2) You want to be married a little sooner than the other.However,you want your marriage to be agreed and pleased by the others.
3) You want to enjoy your youngster life as long as possible.So you don't want to be married too soon. You may get married when you are over 25 even you already have your steady loved one.
4) You are full of curiosity. You are curious about everything.You want to travel and accumulate your experience more and more.You want to prove yourself with the challenging work.You may enjoy your unmarried life until you are 30 or over even you have had so many lovers by then.
Noticing a new plant pop up from the ground, what is your first thought?
1) Glad and want it to grow quickly.
2) Be careful.Don't step on it.
3) Oh!Will it give flowers?
4) Thank God!Many thanks to you,God,for its growth.
5) All right! No more watering!
This test indicates your attitude towards your parents....
1) You don't want your parents to interfere whatever you are doing.
2) You feel grateful to your parents for bringing you up and making you a nice person.
3) You rely on your parents so much and want them to be always close to you.
4) You have your sincere thanks to your parents.
5) You want to be self-survived as soon as possible.
lastly, have a nice day!
Labels: randoms
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
{ 12:26 AM }
A woman scans the guests at a party and spots an attractive manstanding alone.....
so she approaches him."Hi......... ... My name is Carmen", she tells him.
"That's a beautiful name," he replies, "Is it a family name?""No," she says.........
"I gave it to myself. It reflects the things I love the most and men."
And .....What's your name?" she ask.He replies..... "B. J. Titsenbeer".
Labels: reads
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
{ 3:54 PM }
If onli every bfs follows these simple rules....
wat a wonderful world it will be...
When she walks away from
you when she is mad
[ Follow her ]
When she stares at your mouth
[ smile...then kiss her ]
When she pushes you or hit's you
[ hug her tight ]
When she starts cursing at you
[ say i love you ]
When she's quiet
[ hold her hand and ask what's wrong ]
When she ignores you
[ act cute so she'll notice you ]
When she pulls away
[ Pull her back ]
When you see her at her worst
[ tell her you love her and she still looks amazing ]
When you see her start crying
[hold her...ask her what's wrong]
When you see her walking
[ approach her..give a kiss on the cheek. ]
When she's scared
[assure her you're not goin to leave her ]
When she lays her head on your shoulder
[ tilt your head too..and hold her hand ]
When she steals your favorite hat
[ let her keep it]
When she teases you
[ Tease her back and make her laugh ]
When she doesnt answer for a long time
[ reassure her that everything is okay ]
When she looks at you with doubt
[ Back yourself up ]
When she says that she likes you
[ she really does more than you could understand ]
When she grabs at your hands
[ Hold hers and play with her fingers ]
When she bumps into you
[ bump into her back and make her laugh ]
When she tells you a secret
[ keep it safe and untold ]
When she looks at you in your eyes
[ dont look away until she does ]
When she misses you
[ she's hurting inside ]
When you break her heart
[ the pain never really goes away ]
When she says its over
[ she still wants you to be hers ]
When she repost this bulletin
[ she wants you to read it ]
- Stay on the phone with her even if shes not saying anything.
- When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go
- When she says she's ok dont believe it, talk with her
- because 10 yrs later she'll remember you:
- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her
- Call her before you sleep and after you wake up
- Treat her like she's all that matters to you.
- Tease her and let her tease you back.
- Stay up all night with her when she's sick.
- Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid.
- Give her the world.
- Let her wear your clothes.
- When she's bored and sad, hang out with her.
- Let her know she's important.
- Kiss her in the pouring rain.
- When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is;"Who's ass am I kicking babe?"
t0 Vin :: if euu really d0 any 0f this..ii really appreciate it..thanks..!!
Labels: love, miscellaneous
{ 2:51 PM }
ii really wanted euu t0 be my last guy..s0 ii w0nder if ii can have the wish c0me true?if euu dun wish t0 den ii g0t n0thing t0 say le..=(sincerely..ii will l0ve euu f0rever..n0 matter wad euu really wish f0r..ii will wait f0r euu..Labels: love
Monday, April 14, 2008
{ 10:30 AM }
dun ask miie yy?s0me0ne wanted a break instead..dunknw hw l0ng it will be..s0 pls dun link him t0 miie nw..if tis is wad he wan..den he will have it l0r..SingLe f0r the m0ment..~~hey thr's h0pe...<3Labels: randoms
Thursday, April 10, 2008
{ 9:09 PM }
ytd we are 0n the same shift s0 ii went t0 his h0use..after w0rk we g0 take 190 t0 his h0use c0s we nid t0 g0 his p0st 0ffice t0 c0llect my stuff ii b0ught 0n9..hahha..and s0 his h0use bec0me my c0llecti0n centre..f0r all 0n9 stuffy.and after dat we went t0 kfc f0r dinner..c0s 0nce ii reached the p0st 0ffice he c0llected the stuff den it started t0 rain..yes we walked t0 bpp in the rain..=S and ii dun lyk t0 take umbrella hence..we were abit wet when we reached thr..thr's a l0ng queue at kfc..ii stayed thr fr0m 7.15pm - 8.10pm..alm0st 0ne h0ur..abit tired l0r..sit thr f0r s0 l0ng..den we went back t0 his h0use..wah..al0t 0f tings f0r miie sehh..he g0t tired and t00k a nap f0r awhile..10.45pm..ii waked him up..he said..match...rep0rts....tray...ii w0nder is he t0king dream language t0 miie?..match the rep0rts and put in the tray?0r after matching the rep0rts dun put in the tray?0r wad seh..ii shaked him al0t den say eh wake up lar..euu dreaming arhs..?den he say....n0thing.pls wake up!!!hahah..den ii s0rt 0f pulled him up & 0ut 0f the h0use t0 g0 h0me..until n0w ii 0s0 dunknw wad the hell he is t0king b0ut..he 0s0 "blur"..
Labels: funnies, love, randoms
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
{ 9:48 PM }
t0day we make a j0ke..its b0ut ms d0uble c0nfirm s0me0ne wh0m we knw in real in idpl..s0 its up t0 euu t0 guess wh0 is..hey th0se wh0 knw dun release the name 0ky until every0ne 0ther den we 4 ppl knw alrites?
hahha..0ky here g0es..we g0t a pers0n here wh0 is kn0wn as ms d0uble c0nfirm..c0s she 0ways g0es lyk this..ii wanna d0uble c0nfirm tis test is key as wad arh..?den ii will answer her in the test c0de is XXX...den she will say can euu help miie....?and t0day we are t0king b0ut her again...
radhiah d0uble c0nfirm is g0nna bec0me mrs d0uble c0nfirm s00n..and den she said mrs d0uble c0nfirm wanna d0uble c0nfirm if her bf wanna marry her..rad g0es ii wanna d0uble c0nfirm are euu g0nna marry miie?...can euu d0uble c0nfirm dat euu wanna marry miie?...and den vin g0es wakakakkaa..=))...ii g0es hahahhahahha...qianhui g0es l0l..d0ts...hahah..
its funny euu knw the way rad puts it..j0ke 0f the day is
ms d0uble c0nfirm yays..
Labels: randoms
Thursday, April 03, 2008
{ 10:45 PM }
suddenly ii feel dat every0ne in inn0vative has changed..s0meting is wr0ng with 0ur w0rkfl0w..s0me0ne insisted dat M shift is better den mine..c0s they can early g0 back..c0s M shift 0ways g0t backup temp and n0b0dy can g0 0ut buy tings 0r sm0ke..and my shift abit late..c0s every0ne can slack..ii dunknw..he kip t0king t0 his best friend..and ii keep w0rking lyk shit(st00l) wad rabiah said..dun say shit say st00l..and he's getting bias..indirectly saying her is slacking..but ii tink she did help us al0t..0hkay..ii n0t 0n his side either..ii say wad ii tink..and he said everything he d0..and he's n0t w0rking fast anym0re 0nly will let every0ne slack..its 0hkay f0r ppl t0 slack 0nce awhile..c0s w0rk is t00 much le..and every0ne is still in learning phase s0 its n0t g00d t0 say she slack 0r wad..ii mean ii d0 slack everytime..0nly f0r less den half n h0ur..jz t0 rest my brain..
Labels: feelings, randoms, work
{ 12:19 AM }
1. Someone in this world Loves you , in some way.
2. A smile from you, can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.
3. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.
4. You mean the world to someone.
5. Without you , someone may not be living.
6. You are special and unique , in your own way.
7. Someone that you don't know even exists , loves you.
8. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
9. When you think the world has turned it's back on you, take a look, you most likely turned your back on the world.
10. When you think you have no chance at getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you believe in yourself, you probably sooner or later will get it.
11. Always remember complements you received, forget about the rude remarks.
12. Always tell someone how you feel about them, you will feel much better when they know.
13. If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are great. If you choose, send this letter to asmany people as you care about, you'll brighten up someone's day, and might change their perspective on life, for the better!
s0 why n0t d0 s0mething t0 cheer s0me0ne up..!!
Labels: randoms